Wednesday, April 1, 2009

AIM Names

Today we tried to find my lovely roommate Xochi a new AIM screenname, and it's really harder than it should be. Here is a list of some of the epic failures that we tossed around while brainstorming. I thought they were hilarious! If you can think of any other really tragic screennames, please, comment with them. I love a good laugh.

And without further ado, for your giggling pleasure....

  • navalsealofficer
  • broncorider
  • hallucinator4000
  • jollyjogurter
  • healthyeater
  • hansolo
  • scoochyourcooch
  • milf(insert stream of numbers)
  • hottamomma
  • ihavenolegs
  • boardogslayer (we actually kind of liked this one...)
  • gingersnap

Now I'm off to get my bowl on. I cashed in my piggy bank today... $90 in quarters! Holla! So of course, I'm pretending I live the high life, and going to 99 cent bowling night.

Hasta luego!

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