Wednesday, April 1, 2009

AIM Names

Today we tried to find my lovely roommate Xochi a new AIM screenname, and it's really harder than it should be. Here is a list of some of the epic failures that we tossed around while brainstorming. I thought they were hilarious! If you can think of any other really tragic screennames, please, comment with them. I love a good laugh.

And without further ado, for your giggling pleasure....

  • navalsealofficer
  • broncorider
  • hallucinator4000
  • jollyjogurter
  • healthyeater
  • hansolo
  • scoochyourcooch
  • milf(insert stream of numbers)
  • hottamomma
  • ihavenolegs
  • boardogslayer (we actually kind of liked this one...)
  • gingersnap

Now I'm off to get my bowl on. I cashed in my piggy bank today... $90 in quarters! Holla! So of course, I'm pretending I live the high life, and going to 99 cent bowling night.

Hasta luego!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Then I Stumbled Upon Pictures I Tried to Forget...

So, it's been quite awhile since I've made an appearance here. I've been struggling to stay above water with a sick mum, travel plan stress that's turning out to be much larger than it should, random exercise and diet attempts, bathing suit shopping (now you can see why the dieting), a workplace that may or may not be being sued and just underwent a huge "HR internal investigation", and playing catch-up on my health with doctor's appointments galore. I battle for my sanity nearly daily, seeing as how I work with middle schoolers, and to top it all off, I've been absolutely addicted to HGTV and Food network. I am so domestic.

The world is absolutely crumbling to pieces before us. Optimistic, I know, but that's what it's looking like nowadays. I've been following the news when I can without feeling the urge to throw myself in front of the largest, fastest vehicle on the road (thank goodness in situations like this for living in the lifted truck driven by douche bag capital of the world!), and things are looking bleek. The governor was set to sign the CA budget today, and it's looking... scary. I'm no expert with these things, I'm nowhere near an economist, but I'm shaking in my boots. In the words of my mother, and probably every else's mother in the whole world, "Welcome to the real world!"

My dad forwarded me something called "StumbleUpon", a website that lets you register (for free!) and choose your interests, and then it directs you randomly to different sites all over the internet that pertain in some way or another to the interests you selected. You can also choose channels, like news specific to certain regions, countries, states, etc. (Joel, guess why he sent this to me. Ready, go!) I selected random stuff, and got some interesting websites about activist shirts, cooking (full of really appetizing looking pictures), poetry (meh), and even a robotic arm! This is the ultimate cure for boredom. I'm telling you. Do it. It's addicting. To get from one site to another, you just click the "Stumble" button in the top right corner. You'll never want to stop. You'll wonder, "Hmm... what is on the other side of that Stumble button?" and even if the site you get to is lame, you'll think, "Just one more stumble!" Maybe I'll try to incorporate this into my diet plan. Instead of one more cookie, or one more string cheese, I'll treat myself to one more stumble here and there, between meals.

That's all for now folks. Get to stumbling. I have to go hold my sick mum's hair. Ay ay ay.