Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This just in... Nora's way funnier than I am.

So, I just read Nora's first blog, and I came to a startling realization... Nora is way funnier than I am in blog land. I just don't know how this can be. I'm definitely funnier than her in real life, unless of course you're talking about visually. Nora's funnier-looking than most people I know. What really gets me though is that I studied writing! I am a bachelor of writing, or something, and Nora is somehow better able to convey funny than I am through words. Perhaps it is because she says mean things, or because she uses curse words. Perhaps it's because she puts people down, and people love the abuse. So, for the sake of competing with Nora: Fuck you, and please die, you worthless piece of shit. Stop reading this blog and go scrape the barnacles off of your dick instead!

There, it's settled. Nora and I are equally funny.

Come back soon!